Melynda Thompson

Melynda Thompson student therapist in training

Melynda Thompson, Therapist-in-Training (she/her)

Therapist in Training

Provinces: Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Nunavut


Finding Balance When You Are Overwhelmed Is Easier With A Helping Hand

When you’re trying to get all the tasks done in the day, but there are always more to do, it’s easy to begin feeling done in by all the things you do, which go unrecognized. This is the case whether you’re a new parent, a student struggling to stay on top of school work, or if you’re in a job that is understaffed.

Therapy won’t fix all of these things, but talking out your burdens, and knowing someone is actually, actively listening to you, can help you to release some of the feeling surrounding all of the stress in your life. As your counsellor, I am here to offer support and validation. This is a time where it's okay (an encouraged) to share whatever's on your mind – your thoughts, your feelings, everything that's swirling around. You're not just heard, but genuinely listened to. Your thoughts, feelings, and even those sometimes hard-to-describe sensations – they all matter to me.


How I Work, Who I See

I provide therapy for people ages 16 and older for a variety of challenges, but mostly anxiety, depression, changing unwanted habits or behaviours, and struggles with big life changes. I am a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), having completed my masters degree in psychotherapy at the renowned McMaster University in Hamilton.

Wondering what a therapist in training is? Ever seen the TV show Grey’s Anatomy? If not, it’s a show about new doctors training at a teaching hospital, they have the skills, and are offering medical care to the general public. That’s similar to my path from student to therapist. I have finished the necessary coursework and I’m now offering counselling, with the guidance and support of my supervisor, Rory Nicol (the clinical founder of The Dot) and my supportive McMaster professors. That means when you choose me as your counsellor, it's not just my formal training and personal experiences that you're tapping into. You also gain access to the collective wisdom of numerous seasoned mental health professionals - all at a very affordable rate.


My Commitment to Helping Others Began With Self-Care

I've experienced the transformative power of therapy personally. It helped me during several life transitions, and I vividly recall the profound sensation of being heard, understood, and appreciated. Therapy allowed me to tap into my sense of agency and build confidence in my life choices. As a therapist, my goal is to provide this same nurturing environment to you.


Is Now The Right Time For You To Get Support?

You deserve care, and someone who will listen, and help you to find new ways to cope, if old habits are now hurting, more than helping you. I have, all my life, been someone who loves to listen, to support, and to provide care and compassion to those who feel looked over, or dismissed. If you wish to be heard, seen, and supported, please reach out, I’m accepting new clients.

Areas of Practice and Approach

Individual Counselling
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Existential Therapy
- Person Centered Therapy

Support For

- Depression
- Anxiety
- Social Anxiety
- School Struggles
- Perfectionism & Imposter Syndrome
- Life Transitions

Age Group I Work With
16 and older

Professional Qualifications and Experience

Masters in Psychotherapy Program (currently enrolled),
McMaster University

Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Psychology,
Western University

Professional Member,
The Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies

Professional Fees

- Initial consultations are FREE
- All consultations are 20 minutes long

Individual Counselling
- $135 + HST
- 50 minute session

Couples Counselling
- I’m not accepting couples at this time

Crypto Payments
- Are available
- Email us for more information

Interested in working with Melynda?


Olivia Morano


Frank Marchese